Template Name : Thesis Faster Blogger Templates and SEO Killer
Template Converted : Juragan / Blog Juragan
Edited : Ricky Rizaldi / Blogger Gubug
Descriptions : This template is converted directly from wordpress theme that's worth $ 87. yes maybe some of the visitors of this blog already know about the wordpress thesis theme. theme that "he" most SEO killer is already recognized by mattcuts. This template is very fast and well seo friendly, because it is designed with minimalist concept & simple. very suitable for those of you who play seo and adsense. enjoy
Properties : 2 Column, 1 right sidebar, Visitor Friendly, Equipped with Dinamic heading (h1 in the header on the index, and h1 in the title post on post pages), Equipped with dynamic auto metatag description and keywords (metatags mandatory to avoid duplicate meta description & keywords), Quicklink to comment box, Autoreadmore, Equipped with some additional meta tags to make robots crawl your blog, Valid HTML, simple related post
27 comments — Skip to Comment Box
ijin download kak ^:)^
pengen bgt nih..tapi ada gak yah versi full black templatenya huft, cause i really like Y.Y but nice post gan..thx for sharing..
@Dayz monggo om :D
@Venomia wah ndak ada mas, blm pernah ngedit jd hitam :D
Ane download gan mkasi yak ;D
link downloadnya mana gan....??wkkwkk
Ijin download gan.makasih templatenya.
dicoba dlu gan templatenya... :)
wah banyak bgt template jenis ginia.. ane jadi bingung gan.. mohon pencerahannya thesis template mana yang terbaik seo nya.. heheh
Ijin Sedot, SEO stat versi SEO doctor keren, wajib nyoba neh!
seo killer -__-
ganti yang ini wes mas hehehe
layak di coba nih.....:)
simple bgt gan..coba ah di blog ane :D
mantap. kenceng..
Kayane keren nich template, mhon ijin pakai gan. ma ksih.
sep gan infonyaaa
tarian gangnam yang sedang meroket :D
terimakasih mas
templatenya bagus juga
ijin nyoba
ijin sedot gan,,,,,
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!.....
its very cute. thanks too share.....
I love that idea. Awesome Post..
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
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